Elias Guevara, P.E.
Broward Branch President-Elect
Elias Guevara, P.E. is an Engineer with EAC Consulting. He has been involved with the Broward Branch for several years, previously serving as the scholarship chair and currently serving at the Broward Branch President-Elect.

Juan Carlos Samuel, E.I.
Broward Branch President Elect
Juan Carlos Samuel, E.I, ENV SP is a Project Manager with the City of Fort Lauderdale, within the Public Works and Stormwater Engineering Division. He has been involved with the Broward Branch for several years, previously serving as the Engineering Encounters (ASCE Bridge Florida) chair, Treasurer and Vice President.

Jospeh Carothers, P.E.
Broward Branch Vice President
Joe Carothers, P.E. is a Lead Project Engineer with the Corradino Group in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He has been involved in ASCE for the past two years, serving in both the Community Outreach Chair and the Younger Member Group Chair positions. His engineering experience includes design and modeling of water and wastewater systems, stormwater and site design, and construction administration. He graduated from Virginia Tech in 2016 and has been working in Fort Lauderdale ever since.

Domique Hawkins
Broward Branch Secretary
Dominique Hawkins is an Engineer at Chen Moore & Associates in Fort Lauderdale, FL with 3 years of experience in the engineering industry. During her time at Florida Atlantic University, Dominique was an active member in ASCE@FAU, participating in competitions and community outreach. She has now been involved in the ASCE Broward Board for the last 2 years, previously serving as Social Media Chair and Graphics Chair, assisting with community outreach events, and currently serving as the Branch Secretary.

Lauren Johnson, P.E.
Broward Branch Treasurer
Lauren Johnson, P.E. is a Project Manager at Thompson & Associates, Inc. with over five (5) years of consulting experience. She has been actively involved with the Broward Branch for the past two years, serving as Bowl-a-Thon Chair, assisting with community outreach events, and currently serving as the Branch Treasurer.

Charmaine Emanuels, P.E.
Broward Branch President
Charmaine Emanuels is an Associate Engineer with Chen Moore and Associates in Fort Lauderdale, Florida with over 3 years of consulting experience. She specializes in stormwater master planning and modeling, as well as underground utility design and construction administration services. She obtained a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Florida International University (2019) and first joined ASCE as a student member in 2015. Charmaine currently serves as the Broward Branch President and also serves as the Treasurer for the Florida Engineering Society – Broward Chapter.

Alex Lazowick, P.E.
Broward Branch Advisor
Alex Lazowick currently serves as the firm’s President and Principal in Charge, where he is a responsible for the daily operations of the company as well as providing business development opportunities within all sectors of the firm. Alex plays an integral role determining long-term strategic goals and direction of the firm. He continues to lead, inspire, and direct the growth of KEITH during this exciting time. He further attends many political and philanthropic events in the community.
Higgins, P.E.
Broward Branch Advisor
Chair Positions
Younger Member’s Group Michael Pinzon Bryan Baldwin | Contact at: mpinzon@keithteam.com bbaldwin@keithteam.com |
Bowlathon TBD | Contact at: TBD |
Engineer for a Day Jimmy Messick | Contact at: jmessick@cgasolutions.com |
Scholarship Vithu Suthakaran | Contact at: vsuthakaran@chenmoore.com |
Social Media TBD | Contact at: TBD |
Webmaster Matheus Dutra | Contact at: mdutra@eacconsult.com |
Community Outreach Claudia Bustamante | Contact at: cbustamante@hbcengineeringco.com |
Tri-County Event TBD | Contact at: TBD |
Golf Tournament Charmaine Emanuels Kelly Carpenter | Contact at: cemanuels@chenmoore.com kcarpenter@eacconsult.com |
Professional Development Karla Jimenez | Contact at: kjimenez@chenmoore.com |
UESI Lee Reumann | Contact at: lreumann@ct-eng.com |
COPRI Vanessa Benzecry | Contact at: TBD |
Membership Niles Warrick | Contact at: nwarrick@keithteam.com |